8 Aleksandr Sergheevici Puskin, Bucharest, District 1, PC 011996, Romania
(+4) 0745 007 311


An educated man is the one who never finish learning. - Lucian Blaga
Exclusion of associates from a Limited Liability Company

According to Art. 222 of Law 31/1990, the following may be excluded from the limited liability company: 1. The associate who, being in default, does not contribute the agreed upon share Even if the associate has not fulfilled their obligation to contribute, the proceedings to exclude them from the company can only be initiated after...

Exclusion of associates

According to Law 31/1990, from the partnership in collective name, limited partnership, or limited liability company, the following associates can be excluded: The associate who, being in default, does not fulfill the contribution to which they have obligated themselves; The associate with unlimited liability who is in a state of bankruptcy or has become legally...