8 Aleksandr Sergheevici Puskin, Bucharest, District 1, PC 011996, Romania
(+4) 0745 007 311


An educated man is the one who never finish learning. - Lucian Blaga
Measures to combat delay in the execution of payment obligations

In order to promote business competitiveness and strengthen the functionality of the Romanian market as an integral part of the European Union’s internal market, efficient mechanisms have been necessary to combat delays in the execution of payment obligations arising from contracts between professionals and between them and contracting authorities. As a result, Directive 2011/7/EU was...

Donation contract

What is a donation contract? A donation contract is the agreement through which one party, referred to as the donor, gratuitously and irrevocably transfers a property or a real right, or a claim from their patrimony to the other party, known as the donee, without seeking anything in return. Regulation of the donation contract The...

Waiver of trial vs. waiver of claimed right

The Code of Civil Procedure provides parties involved in a pending court case with the option to waive either the ongoing trial or the right claimed by one of the parties through this process. Below, we will outline the major differences between these two options and how to determine which one to choose if you...

Termination for non-attributable reasons to the employee

Position Elimination The Labor Code allows the employer to eliminate certain positions when facing economic difficulties or when a reorganization of activities becomes necessary. Upon identifying these objective reasons, the employer, following an economic and financial analysis of the activities, can decide whether the elimination of one or more positions is necessary. If the decision...

Exclusion of associates

According to Law 31/1990, from the partnership in collective name, limited partnership, or limited liability company, the following associates can be excluded: The associate who, being in default, does not fulfill the contribution to which they have obligated themselves; The associate with unlimited liability who is in a state of bankruptcy or has become legally...

Liquidation of Companies

The liquidation of a commercial company consists of all the operations aimed at concluding the ongoing commercial transactions at the date of the company’s dissolution, converting the company’s assets into cash, settling its debts, and distributing the net assets among the shareholders. According to Law no. 31/1990, for the liquidation and distribution of the company’s...