8 Aleksandr Sergheevici Puskin, Bucharest, District 1, PC 011996, Romania
(+4) 0745 007 311


An educated man is the one who never finish learning. - Lucian Blaga
Regulation project of the EU: dissolution of the European SOL Platform

Currently, under the ordinary legislative procedure at the European Union level, there is a draft Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council to repeal Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 and amend Regulations (EU) 2017/2394 and (EU) 2018/1724 regarding the dissolution of the European online dispute resolution platform (SOL). Recently, the POSITION IN FIRST READING (EU)...

Electronic signature vs. handwritten signature

Law no. 214 of July 5, 2024, on the use of electronic signatures, timestamps, and the provision of trust services based on them, applicable from October 8, 2024, highlights several important aspects of electronic signatures, especially relevant in the context of digitalization. This law establishes the domestic legal framework for the direct application of Regulation...