8 Aleksandr Sergheevici Puskin, Bucharest, District 1, PC 011996, Romania
(+4) 0745 007 311

Terms and conditions

Welcome to our website!


➡ General provisions

The online platform www.grecupartners.ro is offered by the law firm SCA GRECU SI ASOCIATII (hereinafter referred to as “Grecu Partners” or “the Company”) having its headquarters in Bucharest, 1st District, Aleksandr Sergheevici Puskin Street, No. 8, Floor 1, Apartment 2.

These Terms and Conditions apply to the website www.grecupartners.ro owned by Grecu Partners.

Grecu Partners reserves the right to modify the content of this site, as well as to these Terms and Conditions, without any prior notice to Users. In the event of any discrepancy or disagreement between the Company and the User, the Terms and Conditions valid at the time of use of www.grecupartners.ro shall apply.

Grecu Partners undertakes all necessary efforts to ensure that the information published on the Online Platform is truthful. However, the Company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the content presented on the website. By browsing www.grecupartners.ro you can find information about the Grecu Partners team and the services offered by the Company, as well as profiled articles written by Grecu Partners staff, based on practical experience relevant to the specific field of activity of the Company. The articles and publications presented on the website do not constitute legal, business or any other type of advice and shall not be relied upon by any user as being generally applicable to any particular industry/situation/difficulty encountered in practice. The expert advice requested by users will only be provided by Grecu Partners staff and only on the basis of a contract with the Company.

➡ Definitions

“Website” – the online platform www.grecupartners.ro;

“Document” – this version of the Terms and Conditions;

“Content” includes the following elements:

  1. all information available on the Site www.grecupartners.ro that can be visited, viewed or otherwise accessed through the use of digital equipment;
  2. the content of any e-mail sent to Internet Users interacting with the Site by Grecu Partners via electronic means and/or any other available means of communication;
  3. any information communicated to the User by any means by an employee/collaborator of Grecu Partners , according to the contact information specified by such User;
  4. data relating to Grecu Partners or other privileged data of the Company.

“User” – the natural person who browses the Site or interacts, in various forms, with it and has access to the Content;

“Personal Data” – any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“Data Subject”). Personal Data includes (but is not limited to): a person’s first and last name, e-mail address, telephone number etc.;

“Personal data controller” – means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. As for the Site, the data controller is represented by Grecu Partners;

“Consent of the data subject” – any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes by which the data subject signifies his or her agreement, by means of a statement or unequivocal action, to the processing of personal data relating to him or her;

“Processing” – means any operation or set of operations (whether or not by automatic means) performed on personal data, namely: collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation, alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure, dissemination, alignment, combination, restriction, erasure, destruction, etc..

➡ General Policy
  • General provisions

This document sets out the terms and conditions of use of the Site and its Content by the User. The User is kindly requested to read this Document carefully in order to avoid any undesirable/unpleasant consequences, which may have a negative impact on his/her data and/or information provided to Grecu Partners.

  • Site content

The website contains information about the Company’s activity, the services offered by Grecu Partners, clients, fees and taxes, as well as articles on the company’s fields of activity. All this information can be freely accessed by users for their own use.

In the event of visiting and browsing a third party website that may be reached via the www.grecupartners.ro website, these Terms and Conditions shall no longer be applicable to the User’s browsing on that website. Thus, from the moment of the User’s redirection, Grecu Partners does not assume responsibility in any situation regarding the policies, terms and conditions applicable on the respective online platform.

By using the Site, the User is solely responsible for all activities resulting from the use of the Site. He is also liable for any material, intellectual, electronic or any other kind of damage caused to the Site and/or the Content made available by Grecu Partners, in accordance with the national legislation in force.

The name of the Site and its graphic elements are the property of Grecu Partners or, as the case may be, the Company holds a right of use over them, so that these elements may not be taken, copied or used without the written consent of their owner/holder.

All Content presented or displayed on the Site including, but not limited to: text, graphics, photographs, images, moving images, sound and illustrations etc. is the property of Grecu Partners. All elements of Grecu Partners products and services including, without limitation, articles and publications available on the Website are the exclusive property of the Company and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

Grecu Partners declares on its own responsibility that all content on the www.grecupartners.ro website is original and that it uses resources (product images, video, text, specifications etc.) with the acceptance of the source (producer, distributor, supplier, etc.), without infringing the Law no. 8/1996 on copyright. The report of copyright infringement shall be made in writing to the e-mail address office@greculawyers.ro. The website www.grecupartners.ro contains images taken from: pexels.com, morguefile.com, pixabay.com.

The user may not modify any of the aforementioned material and may not copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer or sell information or works contained on the www.grecupartners.ro website.

Except as permitted by applicable copyright law, the User is responsible for obtaining permission before using any copyrighted material that is made available by Grecu Partners.

Any Content to which the User has and/or obtains access by any means whatsoever is subject to the Document if the Content is not accompanied by a specific and valid use agreement between Grecu Partners and the User and without any implied or express warranties made by Grecu Partners with respect to that Content.

The communication of any information or data in the form of a message, text, image, audio and/or video file or any other type of material, regardless of the way in which it is published or transmitted (publicly or individually), by any natural or legal person other than Grecu Partners, shall be the sole responsibility of the person to whom such material belongs, and the Company shall in no way be liable for the content or the way in which such communications are published.

If Grecu Partners grants the User the right to use, in the form described in a separate user agreement, a specific Content to which the User has or obtains access as a result of this agreement, this right extends only to that or those Content(s) defined in the agreement, only for the period of existence of that or those Content(s) on the Site or the period defined in the agreement, according to the conditions defined therein, if they exist and do not represent a contractual commitment on the part of Grecu Partners for the User or any other third party who has/gets access to this Content transferred, by any means and who could be or is harmed in any way by this Content, during or after the expiry of the User Agreement.

No Content transmitted to the User, by any means of communication (electronic, telephonic etc.) or acquired by the User by accessing, visiting and/or viewing does not constitute a contractual obligation on the part of Grecu Partners and/or the Company’s employee who has facilitated the transfer of the Content, if any.

Any use of the Content for purposes other than those expressly permitted by the Document or provided for in a separate usage agreement, if any, is prohibited.

The User shall be liable for any intellectual damage caused to the Site, the Content or any third party/partner/collaborator with whom Grecu Partners has signed contracts, in accordance with the Romanian legislation in force.

  • Contact information

Grecu Partners publishes on the Site its complete and correct identification data, so that the User can easily contact it.

Accessing the Site, using the information presented on this website, visiting the pages or sending e-mails or notifications to the Company may be made by electronic means of communication, telephone or any other means of communication available to the parties, and the User is therefore deemed to consent, in turn, to receive notifications from Grecu Partners electronically and/or by telephone, including communications by e-mail or by means of advertisements published on the Site.

Grecu Partners reserves the right not to respond to all requests of any kind, especially if they are unfounded/abusive, received by any means of communication (electronic, telephone etc.).

The User expressly declares that the contact data provided by sending it to the e-mail address office@greculawyers.ro belongs to him/her (for example: name and surname, e-mail address, telephone number etc.) and that this data may be used by the Company in its communications with the User, for the purpose of solving any requests, but also for providing additional information, at the User’s request.

  • Personal Data Privacy

Grecu Partners makes every effort to ensure that it protects and respects the confidentiality of personal data belonging to its Users, by implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures, in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No 679/2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and Law No. 190/2018 on the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation and good practices in data processing.

The information provided by the User will be stored by Grecu Partners in electronic or physical format, as appropriate, and will not be provided to any third party, other than those directly involved in providing services specific to the Site www.grecupartners.ro or the activity carried out by the Company.

For more details on the processing of personal data that the Company carries out in the context of browsing the Site or interacting with it, the data subject shall consult the Privacy Policy displayed on the Site.

➡ Dispute resolution

By using/visiting/viewing etc. the Site and/or any Content sent by Grecu Partners to the User by accessing and/or sending by any means (electronic, telephone etc.), the User agrees at least to these Terms and Conditions.

This Contract is considered concluded in Romania and, consequently, is governed by the legal provisions applicable in Romania. Any dispute regarding the Document that may arise between the User and Grecu Partners shall be settled amicably. If an amicable settlement of the dispute is not possible within 30 days from the registration of the complaint, it will be settled by the competent court at Grecu Partners’ headquarters.

Grecu Partners shall not be liable for any losses, costs, lawsuits, claims, expenses, etc., if they are directly caused by non-compliance with the Terms and Conditions.

➡ Final provisions

Grecu Partners reserves the right to make any changes to the provisions of this Document, as well as any changes to the Site/its structure, including changes that may affect the Site and/or any Content, without prior notice to the User.

Grecu Partners shall not be held responsible for any errors occurring on the Site due to any cause, including changes, settings etc., not made by the Site administrator.

Grecu Partners reserves the right to place advertising banners of any kind and/or links on any page of the Site, in compliance with the legislation in force.

In the event that there are any questions/suggestions regarding Grecu Partners, you can contact us at the telephone number or e-mail address indicated in the “Contact” section.

The present terms and conditions are valid for all sites for which Grecu Partners is the author/owner/administrator.

This document has been drawn up in accordance with the legislation applicable in Romania.

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