8 Aleksandr Sergheevici Puskin, Bucharest, District 1, PC 011996, Romania
(+4) 0745 007 311


An educated man is the one who never finish learning. - Lucian Blaga
New rules in the merchant-consumer relationship

The European Union is making progress in the green transition and digital transformation, constantly updating European legislation with changes aimed at ensuring the smooth functioning of member states and guaranteeing equality among them. In the context of the rapidly evolving digital market and the intensification of online commerce, the European Union is proposing new regulations...

Mandatory display for tobacco retail

Operating a commercial space in Romania is subject to a complex and ever-growing set of legislative requirements that must be observed and respected by all economic operators conducting retail activities in stores. These requirements aim to guarantee the protection of consumers’ rights and legitimate interests. The legislative framework imposes an obligation on economic operators to...

Consumer rights in the face of defective products

The current directive on product liability was adopted almost 40 years ago. The revision of Directive 85/374 on liability for defective products aims to establish uniform rules for EU member states, ensuring the proper functioning of the economy and supporting consumers in obtaining fairer compensation for defective products. As the European Union continuously updates legislation...

Black Friday 2024 – useful information for e-consumers

Romanian and European legislation provides clear protections for consumers, covering the entire process of purchasing goods, whether through traditional physical stores or online e-commerce platforms. It is imperative for consumers to be aware of their rights in relation to economic operators, especially during periods like Black Friday and similar events when discounts or so-called discounts...

The “Shrinkflation” phenomenon – countermeasures proposed by ANPC

Amid numerous public criticisms regarding the recent practice of merchants offering pre-packaged products for sale, ANPC has put forward a draft order containing rules for informing consumers about the sale of these products, whose quantities have been modified (reduced) while keeping the same selling price. The phenomenon, which significantly disadvantages consumers, stems from the combination...