🟦The mandatory measures of the National Consumer Protection Authority (ANPC) for informing consumers about alternative dispute resolution (ADR):
➡ Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR):
➡ Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) ->
🟦 The information regarding delivery, estimated delivery time, and delivery method for products or services sold by SCA Grecu and Associates, a civil law partnership of lawyers. Therefore, the provisions applicable to the activities of SCA Grecu and Associates are distinct from the legal provisions that must be followed by an online merchant of the commercial company type. As a result, the consumer protection regulations do not apply to the activities of SCA Grecu and Associates, the aforementioned entity operating based on the provisions of the Statute of the Legal Profession, specifically Law no. 51/1995 on the organization and exercise of the legal profession – republished. SCA Grecu and Associates restricts its services to legal consultancy, so the user interacting with our platform understands and accepts that it does not involve the sale of goods or products, making the legal provisions related to delivery times, delivery methods, and so on, inapplicable. The deadlines for resolving entrusted cases will be agreed upon with the client of SCA Grecu and Associates based on the legal assistance contract concluded between the two parties or through electronic correspondence between them. Any deadline for the delivery of (non-exhaustively): legal analysis, legal documentation, legal consultancy, etc., is established before the initiation of the entrusted project and is communicated to the client by the designated lawyer.
🟦 Information about returns/cancellation, return terms, and methods for products or services sold
Given the nature of the services provided by SCA Grecu and Associates – legal consultancy, assistance, and representation before the courts, authorities, and public institutions, etc., the user understands and accepts that the provisions related to the return of products/services provided by consumer protection legislation do not apply in these cases.
The cancellation of the legal procedure entrusted and the withdrawal from it can only be carried out by the client before the initiation of the project by the designated lawyer from SCA Grecu and Associates and only before the issuance of the invoice by SCA Grecu and Associates for the legal operation entrusted and its communication to the client. In this regard, the client will promptly notify, in writing, the designated lawyer of their intention to withdraw from the legal services initially entrusted to the SCA Grecu and Associates team.
🟦 S.C.A. Grecu și Asociații
CIF: RO 35771768
8 Aleksandr Sergheevici Pușkin Street, Sector 1, Bucharest, Postal Code 011996
RO 65 BREL 0002 0020 6127 0100 Bank Code: LIBRA BANK