8 Aleksandr Sergheevici Puskin, Bucharest, District 1, PC 011996, Romania
(+4) 0745 007 311

Avvocati d'affari

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships” – Michael Jordan

Mission and values

Grecu Partners aim:

Defending our clients’ rights and interests with wisdom and dedication until all the issues are solved.

The experience we gathered since 2006 is based not only on a  profound knowledge of the legislation in force but also on the permanent effort to find the most ingenious solutions.

We believe that individual talent is best highlighted when supported by a team. Both execution and results are superior when a single member’s idea is developed by an entire team.

As professionals, we treat every decision we make with our clients with responsibility and integrity.

In every project, we are guided by the following values: loyalty, confidentiality, creativity, ethics and dedication.

“I was always inspired by Carol I and his motto: to lead with an iron hand, but in a velvet glove. I think this motto is also suitable for the legal profession - to be a lawyer who negotiates and fights for his clients with an iron hand in a velvet glove.“
Managing Partner

Grecu Partners teamExcellence through experience

Corporate Social Responsibility

We are part of the projects developed by non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Some of the main purposes of these organizations are: education, social services and child welfare or sustainable development.

CONTACTEste ușor să fim contactați.

Găsești mai jos câteva modalități

Suntem deschiși să ne cunoaștem, astfel că îți propunem o vizită la sediul nostru:

Strada Aleksandr Sergheevici Pușkin 8, Sectorul 1, București, C.P. 011996

De asemenea, ne poți apela la numărul de telefon:

(+4) 031 426 0745


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